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Age Defiance Cream

Age Defiance Cream

$ 54.27$ 85.59

The Age Defiance Cream is another essential in skin care, known for its anti-aging properties. The 250g jar is priced at UGX 317,000 for a pack of 48. The 120g jar, which provides the same benefits in a smaller size, is sold in packs of 72 for UGX 272,000, while the 60g jar, ideal for frequent use, is available in packs of 144 for UGX 270,000. The Age Defiance Lotion, another product in the line, comes in 200ml bottles, available in packs of 48 for UGX 227,000, and 120ml bottles sold in packs of 72 for UGX 201,000.

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Product Description

The Age Defiance Cream is another essential in skin care, known for its anti-aging properties. The 250g jar is priced at UGX 317,000 for a pack of 48. The 120g jar, which provides the same benefits in a smaller size, is sold in packs of 72 for UGX 272,000, while the 60g jar, ideal for frequent use, is available in packs of 144 for UGX 270,000. The Age Defiance Lotion, another product in the line, comes in 200ml bottles, available in packs of 48 for UGX 227,000, and 120ml bottles sold in packs of 72 for UGX 201,000.


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