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Mildi Anti-Pityriasis Leave-In Treatment

Mildi Anti-Pityriasis Leave-In Treatment

Available in 120, 250,450ml

This unique Treatment penetrates into the hair cortex, building strength from within, while providing film forming effects to reinforce, lubricate and protect the surface of the hair.

Product Description

Available in 120, 250,450ml

This unique Treatment penetrates into the hair cortex, building strength from within, while providing film forming effects to reinforce, lubricate and protect the surface of the hair. These properties combine to strengthen the hair, thus, helping to reduce the degree of damage hair sustains from chemical treatments, environmental stresses or styling practices.
Relieving care for itchy scalp with ginger extract associated with dandruff.

Our proven act zone formula not only effectively fights the cause of dandruff but also gives a balanced scalp and beautiful hair. Also, in case of scalp irritation after retouching this reverses the situation in just a few minutes.


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