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Mildi Mega-sheen hair polishing Gel

Mildi Mega-sheen hair polishing Gel

Repairs split ends and plasticizes the cuticle layer surrounding each hair strand with thin protein film and vitamins that protect against heat appliances, This polishing Gel is a multifaceted protein-based complex which acts on all of the three fundamental parameters of hair strength: that isโ€™- tensile properties, bending modulus and cuticle abrasion. Available in 150ml

Product Description

Repairs split ends and plasticizes the cuticle layer surrounding each hair strand with thin protein film and vitamins that protect against heat appliances, This polishing Gel is a multifaceted protein-based complex which acts on all of the three fundamental parameters of hair strength: that isโ€™- tensile properties, bending modulus and cuticle abrasion. Available in 150ml


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