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Nitro Natural Secrets Hair Conditioning Crème Relaxer

Nitro Natural Secrets Hair Conditioning Crème Relaxer

Available in 250g, 500g,1kg 2kg, 4.5kg

Our nitro conditioning cream relaxer targets medium, fine but resistant hair textures with core aim of volumerising and making the hair more lustrous due to its rich conditioning natural extracts. no worry required because it processes well without experiencing abnormal scalp irritation NO DOUBT Nitro hair conditioning crème relaxer is a relaxer behind every great and bouncing hair

Product Description

Available in 250g, 500g,1kg 2kg, 4.5kg

Our nitro conditioning cream relaxer targets medium, fine but resistant hair textures with core aim of volumerising and making the hair more lustrous due to its rich conditioning natural extracts. no worry required because it processes well without experiencing abnormal scalp irritation NO DOUBT Nitro hair conditioning crème relaxer is a relaxer behind every great and bouncing hair


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