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No-Mistake Hair Rejuvenating Crème Relaxer

No-Mistake Hair Rejuvenating Crème Relaxer

Available in 250g, 500g,1kg 2kg, 4.5kg

Mildi no mistake was developed through advanced technology to loosen and straighten curled & tightly coiled hair by breaking a maximum of ¾ of disulphide bonds found within the cortex layer of the hair.

Product Description

Available in 250g, 500g,1kg 2kg, 4.5kg

Mildi no mistake was developed through advanced technology to loosen and straighten curled & tightly coiled hair by breaking a maximum of ¾ of disulphide bonds found within the cortex layer of the hair. On application, the cortex experiences gradual alternation & elongation there by leaving the hair shaft in straight look permanently.Its scalp irritation potential is equal to zero provided appropriate/ proper steps are followed as directed. The great formulation is due to incorporations of flesh natural oils containing high level of scalp protecting agents like cysteine.


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